Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Corn Husk/Cob Family

 You can find mommy and daddy corn husk directions  here

To make the corn cob baby I cut the kernals of a corn cob

Then threw the corn to our chickens.

I waited a couple days for the cob to dry out. Then painted on a baby face and wrapped it in a fabric scrap blanket, keeping it secure tith a hot glue gun.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Rain Puddles

Ever since L got this cute book for her birthday.....

She started asking for us to by her some rain booots so she can jump in puddles too.  We bought her some sparkly pink rain boots. Then we waited and waited for some rain

Then! we finnaly got some last weekend and spent the sfternoon playing in the rain

Tasting the rain drops!

sitting in puddles

Smelling the flowers

Playing with ants

even gardening

We haid "hi" to the nieghbor's dog who watched us from underneath the fence, but
L informed me tit was "NOT a dog it's a pig snout oink oink" lol.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pretend Baking

L's latest sensory activity was playing with flour and cinnamon. She made "waffles, cookies, and pumpkin pie" 

She even enjoyed taking some real bites of her masterpieces!